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No power, day 6

    No electricity

    It is cold in the house, but it’s a lot colder in other parts of the country. Can see our breath when we breath out. Bundled up, and trying to keep warm and sane.

    Melting off

    At this point, most of the ice has melted off and we are thawing out. The electric company is working on getting power restored, be nice to have heat again. And be able to charge things…been using the car for charging up phones.

    Then a limb smashed the back of my car…so, that was not fun…


    The electric company showed up on the street late yesterday afternoon to start working on replacing one of the many downed poles connecting power to the street. No power yet, but maybe soon?

    Until electricity is restored…

    Fingers are kind of cold typing on the phone. Will be back when power comes back and heats up the place!

    The shots on this post are all from my phone, Samsung Note 10 plus.