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    To print…

    To print! For several years we have offered prints of photographs from our website. Whether it was from SmugMug, Flickr, or Fine Art America – each of these sites would take the majority of the price of the sale. While they make it very easy to handle the sales end of the photos, they make it difficult to make a decent profit.

    …or not to print.

    Another way we sell images is by providing the final edited image so that the clients can get them printed on their own. Sending these large files can be a challenge, albeit a minor one, that can add frustration. Then, the end result may not come out as was viewed on your screen as color calibration and monitor colors can change dramatically from one to the next. If your screen isn’t calibrated and matching your clients calibrated screen the colors could wind up being overly saturated or the image could look washed out.

    What to do?

    We decided to try a couple different options. Looking online, there are many services to choose from. Bay Photo, National Photo Lab, MPix, to name a few. As for local print shops there are places like Walgreens and Walmart – they offer low cost printing, but is the quality there? A higher end print shop, where they focus on printing only, may offer better output. We found that printing locally was often five times more expensive than printing online. But how do the prints compare?

    For that question to be answered, we will need to wait. Prints were sent to both online vendors and local vendors, same images so a comparison should be easy to do. Should have the final products back in a couple of weeks, stay tuned.

    Until then…

    Once we decide on a print method we will post an update and share it. For now, we will stick with Fine Art America.

    Are you interested in purchasing a print? click here

    Print Arch

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